I often find myself in the situation where I am working in a deeply nested project, and need to search all of the source files for a keyword. One solution is to pipe together the find and grep commands. For instance, one could invoke
find . -type f -name "*.c" -print | xargs grep -rn printfto find all occurrences of the printf function. For ease of use, I decided to wrap this functionality in a bash script.
#!/bin/sh usage() { prog=`basename $0` cat << EOF usage $prog [-d ROOT_DIR] [-s] FILE KEYWORD Options: -d ROOT_DIR root directory to start the search from -s case sensentive search Search for all files under ROOTDIR directory with a name matching FILE pattern. Among the files found, grep for the KEYWORD pattern. Examples: # search for C source files under /home/joe that mention 'socket' $prog -d /home/joe "*.c" socket # search for use of 'synchronized' keyword in all Java source files # under the current working directory $prog -s "*.java" synchronized EOF } findgrep() { if [[ $4 -eq 0 ]] then grep_args="-in" else grep_args="-n" fi find "$1" -type f -name "$2" -print | xargs grep $grep_args "$3" } root_dir=`pwd` case_sensitive=0 while getopts ":hd:s" option do case $option in h) usage exit 1 ;; d) rood_dir=$OPTARG ;; s) case_sensitive=1 ;; \?) echo "invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit ;; esac done # shift command line arguments so that first positional argument is $1 shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [[ $# -ne 2 ]] then usage exit 1 fi findgrep $root_dir $1 $2 $case_sensitiveExample:
$ pwd /Users/smherwig/github $ ls lua-daemon lua-mnt lua-proc pytk-editor $ findgrep.sh -s "*.c" statvfs /Users/smherwig/github/lua-mnt/src/mnt.c:7:#include <sys/statvfs.h>; /Users/smherwig/github/lua-mnt/src/mnt.c:154: struct statvfs sbuf; /Users/smherwig/github/lua-mnt/src/mnt.c:157: ret = statvfs(path, &sbuf);
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