Whenever I'm working with binary data in Python, I inevitably find myself using the binascii module. The methods hexlify and unhexlify make it extremely easy to convert between binary data and the corresponding hexadecimal string.
I thought it would be fun to write a subset of Python's binascii module in Ruby and Lua.
module Binascii def self.hexlify(s) a = [] s.each_byte do |b| a << sprintf('%02X', b) end a.join end def self.unhexlify(s) a = s.split return a.pack('H*') end end
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'binascii' puts Binascii.hexlify('123') puts Binascii.unhexlify('313233')
binascii_example.rb output
313233 123
-- module setup local modname = ... local M = {} _G[modname] = M package.loaded[modname] = M -- import section local error = error local string = string local table = table local tonumber = tonumber -- no more external access after this point setfenv(1, M) --- -- Converts a string of bytes to a hexadecimal string function hexlify(s) local a = {} for i=1,#s do local c = string.sub(s,i,i) local byte = string.byte(c) table.insert(a, string.format('%02X', byte)) end return table.concat(a) end --- -- Converts a hexadecimal string to a string of bytes function unhexlify(s) if #s % 2 ~= 0 then error('unhexlify: hexstring must contain even number of digits') end local a = {} for i=1,#s,2 do local hs = string.sub(s, i, i+1) local code = tonumber(hs, 16) if not code then error(string.format("unhexlify: '%s' is not avalid hex number", hs)) end table.insert(a, string.char(code)) end return table.concat(a) end
#!/usr/bin/env lua local binascii = require 'binascii' print(binascii.hexlify('123')) print(binascii.unhexlify('313233'))
binascii_example.lua output
313233 123
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